Saturday, August 28, 2004

Celebrating Colossians

It is funny how i think "i must write a new entry" (for a blog) and then all kinds of things get on my way as an obstacles i can not get over and then i realize that week is already gone. Where it is gone? What is accomplished? Did i walked closer to God this week or stayed still or even moved farther from Him.
During these days i finished translating (into normal Latvian) Paul's letter to Colossians. I was soooooo happy to finally finish it. It took me a long time. This was one of the letters (in my old and only Latvian Bible version) which almost all was red with all kinds of comments and marks on a sides of it and over the text as i discovered true or better meaning of Paul's writings. This is one sad thing about small nation like ours - there is not many people who could do something like that or to dare to do it. Biggest problem is not the knowledge of Hebrew or Greek for those who do official translation (Bible Association), but problem is to make it more live. They are "so afraid" to add extra words not to lose authenticity, but when you translating you sometimes need to add extra words to make it more understandable and clear, which Holy Spirit can do better then scholarship, i believe. So i gave up on our scalars and decided to do it on my own using many English version Bibles plus Greek - English parallel Bible. I did not mean to write so much about why i did it, but as one person used to say: "It just happened".
So, there was some interesting things i discovered even at the very end of my final version,
like ch. 2 verse 7: that we are built in Christ and confirmed in the faith as we were thought.
I like the idea of us being built in Christ (as living stones in His Church). Is not it good?! And word confirmed (in Greek version). As i understand it, it says something about not turning back, unlikely to change (says Oxford's dictionary).
Did i write here what i wanted to share? Don't know.

Of course there is Olympics worth to mention - what an effort those athletes give to get medals, to bring Glory to their country. It is good example for us, followers of Christ, to exercise our faith - to be fit and strong in our Faith, so that we could bring Glory to the Kingdom we are representing.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Leaving Earth

Someone i know just left the Earth - left to go Home, to his Real Father. Another child of His finally went to meet Him, reunite with Him. Was he ready? Oh, yeah! He was "packed" for Heaven. Here is some of his words Before Leaving:

"In December (2003) I wrote that it felt like living in "no man's land." I had more or less 'left' this world with its responsibilities and routines, expecting to go to Heaven in a short while. We are now 4 months further, and I am still around. On the one hand it feels very good. Baukje and I are thankful that we get more time together than expected. More time with children and grandchildren. On the other hand it takes emotionally a toll to live with this constant insecurity of not knowing what the near future will bring. Please pray for me that I find rest and joy in the Lord Himself. In Matthew 6:34 Jesus said the well known words:
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
How I need to practice this! Enjoying each extra day the Lord allows us to have together." /Gert Doornenbal

I remember thinking one day: "how many people there is in Home already whom i miss here on Earth". And I even had a funny thought - to say to someone who is about to Leave: "bring my greeting to this person and this and this one..."

How good is to know the Real Father - the Father of our souls !!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Here I am. I sit at the door and welcome you to have fellowship with me! Posted by Hello

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Heavenly Man

I am reading a book right now called "Heavenly Man", which is about Chinese Christian. It shows us how real we can walk with Jesus, experiencing His life living in us day by day.
I thing so often I am quite blind to see the reality of God's world around me, but I am trying.
Like I tried coming home from vacation in Canada - our flight from Toronto to London was fine, but while we waited to board on plain to come to Latvia it was discovered that there is some technical fault with our plain. Of course people were not happy about it, not knowing when we will get to Riga airport, but what it would look like to see things from different perspective. No one seemed to see protective hand of God keeping our lives safe, though loosing some hours before getting home. Probably most of these people were not ready to leave the Earth and probably there is still some work for me to do.

Before starting

Hi, there.

I thought to leave a space for my diary on my web page, but then I thought that with Blog it will be easier as it is well organized already. One thing will be hard for me though - to decide what language to write - Latvian or English. Maybe it will be in both.
This was short introduction on why I am getting the Blog spot.
You might ask: why it is called "Before Leavigh Earth"?
There is lots to write about it. On one hand these words are from song "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" by group Burlap to Cashmere (whose first letters form the word BIBLE). On the other hand, it is where I am now - before leaving Earth. It is about my true citizenship, which is in Heaven, where my King Jesus is and His Father who calls us to be with Him forever. There still is instrucitons to follow to get There and they are found in teaching of Jesus and other Writings of Bible. So I hope that this Blog spot (my diary) will document "how do I get along with my packing for Heaven". I really hope that this fill help me fix my thoughts on right things.