I am still reading "Heavenly man". There was chapter about unity of Christians. Actually the chapter was more about disunity. Not talking of the details of the chapter some thought came to my mind. Specially it is concerning those of us (Christians), who does not know much about each other here on web net.
I just thought - is not it true - as long as we cling to our Master Jesus, considering our relationships with Him the highest priority; our passion to know God (John 17:3) - the Father and the Son; the Good Book - the Message as the purest source of wisdom which Spirit makes us understandable - that long we Christians are united. Thoughts of division come to us when we start to speak about denomination we belong to. But there is one Church Jesus is building and it does not consists of stones but living people - His people who accept Him. Let us talk about HIM, let us share Him with those who live apart from His love.
There is film festival going on in Riga (my town) and i just went to excellent film ("Luther") about Martin Luther (big reformist). We could think that Martin Luther did big reform of the Church of those days. Did he? or it was God through him? It was excellent movie which showed the heart of God in a man. It showed the spiritual hunger of people who seek freedom of their souls and Luther who took a courage to trust and obey God and to let God work through him to make a major surgery of His Church. There was even some wonderful line about translating the Bible in German language so that ordinary people could read and understand God's Word.
The line was something like that:
"Words are like children, the more you play with them, the more attention they demand from you"
This is exactly what i am experiencing when i do translation of certain verses or passages of the Bible into my language.