Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Are we God's marionettes?

This is the topic i was asked to speak (share) about with students and this is early morning of the day in which this event is happening. For some days i thought about it and i am still feeling quite blank.
I woke up at 6.00 this morning with the thoughts about this topic and i am very determined to prepare well.
My problem is that i am not good speaker. I am more of a Bible study leader and there i feel like a "fish in the water", but speaking in public is not my favorite thing although i know that i can do it if i develop that area.
So, this morning before starting i red Grace's blog where i found new entries. It is good to read something new again. I've been silent for quite a long. Then a thought came - how good it could be if i could have thoughts and prayers of the people who read my blog. Well unfortunately i am quite late with this idea, because i could have only some thoughts of those who live in Asia (because of time zone), but people in North America will have morning by the time this evening meeting with students start. Anyway - maybe this bloging is good way to open my mind for God to fill me with words to say this evening.
Well dear friends (if i still have some :) now i will try to develop my thoughts about the subject: Are we God's marionettes?
As i thought about it, first of all i checked a dictionary what this word really means (i love to learn the meaning of a words by looking into Oxford's or other dictionaries).
And this is what i found:
marionette - puppet moved by strings
- a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer
I love this combination of the words - 'operated from above'
But question is - are we free or were is our freedom if we are operated by someone? Is not it just His play He is playing with us and what we can do?
That is the questions to answer...
ok, for now i will post this blog and come back later with some thoughts. And maybe some of you will manage to bring your input in this subject. I will be greatly delighted.

P.S. There was some reasons why i was silent for some while (maybe not enough reasons to be silent for whole months), but i have some miracle to share about with you because only God can do what happened with me and my wife Sarah two days ago.

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